Navigating turnover in student groups

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Grassroots student groups face a high risk of dissolving. This is the result of an inability to turnover the group's resources and knowledge to the next generation of student organizers, as many lack a permanence of structure. Student groups struggle with the changes outlined by their school's semesters and length of studies. This can lead to challenges in momentum building. Frequent turnover provides campus organizers with a unique opportunity to map the natural 3-4 year cycle of a student onto a timeline.[1]. These challenges can be avoided, and opportunities used, by strategizing before turnover happens. Student groups can build systems of support and guidance for new members and develop institutional memory.

Highlighted text is knowledge shared during our Learning Circle on this topic.

Types of Student Groups

  The campus ecosystem is made up of four main types of student groups. 

Student Associations

Student Associations operate at the campus, faculty, and department level; and act as the democratic voice of students in their membership. These unions often have permanent funding which allows them to sponsor events, make donations, and sometimes offer paid roles, both as elected executives and hired staff. 

  • Elected executive positions (ex. SECMV : unpaid roles, ASFA: paid roles)
  • Hired work-study program of Concordia (ex: Campaigns Researcher, CSU)

Fee-levy Groups

Other campus groups can get funding by gaining the support of the student body. Like Student Associations, these groups have recurring funds. Unlike student associations, they can focus on specific topics or needs, such as campus food security, grants for community projects, etc. 

Campus Clubs and Committees Campus Clubs and Committees are funded by either the student association or the university. Generally, clubs and committees are small groups of volunteers or participants who sign-up, are appointed, or apply to participate. They can get their funding through funds allocated each semester by student associations to various projects such as clubs and committees, but also grassroots student groups  
Grassroots Student Groups Grassroots Student Groups or Direct Action groups are informal collectives of students organizing within a given campus or a collection of campuses. While some student groups have a long history, many are emergent and exist to give a space for students to organize around a popular issue. These groups apply for funding on a needs basis. 

Challenges faced

Those lived experiences were shared by learning circle participants. They portrait some consequences of not being ready for student turnover.

  • Divestment organizers were concerned about groups who won and didn’t know where to go from there
  • Groups have been struggling to navigate online organizing
  • There are ongoing concerns related to general turnover and capacity when students graduate (particularly those who have been members of a group for a while
  • A lack of support from former members leads to more energy and time needed to restart after a high rate of turnover.
  • Anger towards the school administration leads to forgetting about turnover periods, thus the workload for the next semester is larger.

Running effective student groups

Momentum's Structure Report suggests 5 key elements allow for groups to organize effectively:

1. The capacity to coordinate teams

2. The capacity to facilitate group deliberation and decision making processes

3. The ability to distribute work into roles on teams

4. The ability to set up systems and design programs to recruit people from your target constituencies

5. The ability to train and coach other leaders

This is what we should be striving for when developing our student groups that navigate turnover effectively.

Ways to navigate turnover

Support and Guidance for New Members

The Buddy System

HUB co-director Jacqueline Tam elaborated on this

Many groups navigate turnover by pairing new members with someone who has more experience. This strategy encourages relationship building and offers a point of contact for new members to go to with their questions. Your group can do this in a number of ways:

  • Make being a ‘buddy’ to new members a specific role in your group;
  • Allow new members to choose their buddy;
  • Partner new members with existing members based on their area of interest, for example, if a new member is interested in communications pair them with the communications bottom-liner.  

It’s important that those assigned to be buddies have a strong sense of the group's identity and activities, their role is to make themselves replaceable by training new members and activating potential leaders. 

Older members shadow new members. Assist until the person feels comfortable doing the task at hand alone with minimal support from the older member. 

In Practice...

In order to have a sustainable student group, veteran members need to take on the responsibility of building leadership and supporting people to learn and grow. 

Project advisor Amara Possian on training/skilling up

If you are building leadership and supporting people to learn/grow at every step of the way, then this situation is much easier to navigate. Churches are really good at this so I've read a couple of books about how they grow and this approach to training an apprentice comes from a book called Exponential:

  • I do. You watch. We talk.
  • I do. You help. We talk.
  • You do. I help. We talk.
  • You do. I watch. We talk.
  • You do. Someone else watches.

As shown in this process, veteran members need to invite new people to do tasks that were taken care of by older members (ex : speak to media). 

Institutional Memory

Having a strong base of institutional memory ensures the sustainability of your group by supporting new members to navigate turnover. A lack of institutional memory can lead to role confusion, lost vision, and copycat actions.

Having an established structure with practices to cultivate institutional memory help make those become natural to members.

Create a Blueprint

Create a document that includes everything someone entering a new role would need to be successful.

Be sure to include:

  • Essential responsibilities
  • Best practices
  • Passwords
  • Contacts (internal and external ; include roles and ressources linked to each contact)
  • Brief how-to explainers  (tasks, school boards, permission to publish on school boards, creating pamphlets, printing posters)
  • General tips
  • For Divest Campaigns : board of directors document with pictures/names/information

Have Strong Onboarding and Outboarding Processes

Onboarding process should include: 

  • An overview of the group's mission, values, and structure
  • Introductions to key group members
  • Opportunities to questions
  • A concrete action of next step for prospective members, ie. ask them to join an action, invite them to the next meeting, or plan a social activity

Offboarding process should include: 

  • Request feedback from outgoing members on ways to improve the group (i.e. a google form, a meeting)

Naviguating turnover is strongly linked to other subjects upon which Learning Circle participants shared knowledge such as...

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