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Militarism can be defined as: "The normalization of war and preparation for war, prioritizing the needs and interests of military institutions and extension of military culture and influence into everyday life such as in education, central and local government and business, charities etc." -ForcesWatch

War and militarism are climate justice issues

The occupation of Palestine is a climate issue [1]

Israel‘s occupation and apartheid, which denies Palestinians the right to manage their land and resources, makes them more vulnerable to climate-related events. Military powers are used to enforce the apartheid.  

  • Water: Gaza’s acute shortage of potable water from climate change was worsened by Israel’s restrictions on the entry of materials and fuel needed for wastewater treatment. Sewage infiltrated Gaza’s aquifer and flows untreated into Gaza’s coastal waters, damaging marine life and health. 97% of Gaza’s water is unhealthy for human consumption and contaminated water causes 1/4 of all illness in Gaza. While Palestinian villages struggle to adapt to water scarcity, Israeli settlements enjoy unlimited access to water for drinking, to irrigate crops and lawns, and for swimming pools. 640,000 settlers in the West Bank consume 6x the water of 2.9 million Palestinians.
  • Food: Israel’s military prevents Palestinians from using the 20% of Gaza's arable land next to Israel’s militarized fence, and targets Gaza’s farmland with herbicides. A study by Palestinian Environmental NGOs Network explained in 2014 when Israel dropped 21,000 tonnes of explosives on the Gaza strip, it resulted in extensive soil damage and reduced agricultural productivity. Moreover, Israel's removal of olive trees to weaken Palestinians’ connection to the land and economic self-sufficiency is greenwashed by Israel's planting of trees. Israel has uprooted 800,000 olive trees since 1967. Olive trees represent peace and Palestinians connection to the land  
  • Energy: 98% of Israel’s electricity production comes from fossil fuels, and Palestinians are given an average of 12 hours per day to use it. Israelis are given unlimited access. Palestinians have turned to solar panels to create their own electricity. Panels have been targeted by Israel's bombing. Moreover, the Israeli military seizes solar panels sent by humanitarian aid groups for Palestinian communities, even while it has passed progressive laws requiring the installation of solar panels on all new buildings.
  • Waste: Israel routinely dumps its waste in occupied Palestine. Palestinians burn plastic waste for income, contributing to the increasing levels of cancer among Palestinians.
  • Funding from the West: Countries in the West support Israel's occupation by purchasing weapons and other goods from Israel, and selling weapons to Israel. Between 2018-2022, Canada imported $132 million dollars worth of weapons from Israel. Canadian companies such as Canada's big banks fund technology used by the Israeli military. For example, Scotia bank holds the largest foreign share of an Israeli weapons manufacturer.
  • See our page on Climate Justice and Imperialism: Debunking Global Systems of Oppression for an overview of an event held by Climate 4 Palestine, on how Palestine is a climate issue.

Wars are fought over oil

  • Western nations wage wars to secure access to fossil fuels, targeting governments that nationalize oil companies. The Middle East, which holds over half of the world’s oil reserves, has been a point of conflicts driven by imperialism and greed. 
  • "In Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan initially cut off Armenians’ gas supply and then their electricity. Throughout the harsh winter, Armenians could only sporadically access hot water thanks to solar water heaters. These renewable sources threaten the power of those who profit from wars and oil, thereby weakening the economic foundations of authoritarian regimes and reducing their incentives for military aggression." -Amara Possain [2]

"Money for war, can't feed the poor"

  • The United States has one of the largest militaries in the world. The United States continues to pour massive amounts of money into their military, to fuel imperialism around the world, and often in the pursuit of oil and gas.
  • The Palestinian resistance movement has exposed the hypocrisy of states like the United States, who despite funnelling billions to support Israeli's war and genocide on Gaza, claim there is 'not enough money' to fund things like affordable housing, a climate transition and forgiving student debt.

See our page on Climate Justice and Imperialism: Debunking Global Systems of Oppression for an overview of an event held by Climate 4 Palestine, on how Palestine is a climate issue.

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