Global South
Global South "functions as more than a metaphor for underdevelopment. It references an entire history of colonialism, neo-imperialism, and differential economic and social change through which large inequalities in living standard, life expectancy, and access to resources are maintained." -Dados and Connell (2012) [1] .
Note that an alternative to the term 'Global South' is MAPA (most affected people and areas). See our definitions page on MAPA for more.
The knowledge shared on this page comes from:
1) The collaborative 'Fair Shares' webinar by the HUB and the Climate Emergency Unit held on October 11th.
This event featured:
Anjali Appadurai (she/her): Climate justice organizer and communicator. Worked at the UN Climate convention to ensure social movements demands were heard in halls of power. Runs the Padma centre for climate justice, a project that brings together diasporic communities to build power around issues of climate and economic justice. She works as the Campaign Director at the Climate Emergency Unit. |
Meena Raman (she/her): Head of Programmes of Third World Network (TWN), coordinating programming and supporting intergovernmental climate negotiations. President of Friends of the Earth (FOE) Malaysia and member of FOE International. Legal adviser to the Consumers' Association of Penang. Founded the first public interest law firm in Malaysia. |
Ceecee Holz (they/them): Senior research at the Climate Equity Reference Project and Executive Director of the Climate Equity Reference Project Canada. Affiliated researcher at Stockholm Environment Institute, and teaches a course at Carlton U for their Masters' specialization in climate change. Their studies focus is on International and Canadian climate change policies, focused on the role of equity and fairness as enablers of action. They served as the executive director for Climate Action Network Canada. Has been involved with Climate Action Network International's advocacy work at UN climate change negotiations for over a decade. |
2) Additional sources compiled by Bryan Giroux and Kenzie Harris.
Injustice in the Global South is a climate justice issue
1) Historical emissions and responsibility: Wealthy nations caused and perpetuate the climate crisis by exploiting the resources, lands and labor of the Global South |
2) Right to human development |
3) Differing capabilities and capacities: The Global North disproportionately caused the climate and debt crisis, yet, the Global South bear the greatest burden |
Examples around the world
Meena Raman in Malaysia |
Meena also pointed out that marginalized communities in rich and powerful countries, such as Indigenous communities in North America, also suffer from these systems. See MAPA (most affected people and areas) for more. | |
Abeer Butmeh in Palestine [9]
Israel‘s occupation and apartheid, which denies Palestinians the right to manage their land and resources, makes them more vulnerable to climate-related events.
| |
Friends of the Congo and Victoria Audu on Congo' [24] [25] |
Amara Possain on Armenia [28] |
| style="width: 408.031px;" | Friends of the Congo and Victoria Audu on Congo' [31] [32]
| style="width: 1243.97px;" |
- The Congo Basin sequesters more carbon than the Amazon or any other rainforest.
- "The infrastructure of Congo has been intentionally designed for mass extraction since colonial rule began in the 1800s, leaving the majority of the Congolese people without access to their own land nor the ability to alter or end the extractive processes which governments and corporations profit from. This very design is why one of the most mineral-rich countries in the world has one of the highest poverty rates on the planet." -Friends of the Congo [33]\
- Congo has cobalt, gold, copper and coltan, which fuels batteries for our cell phones, electric vehicles, and wind turbines. Extreme exploitation is present in these mines, including the use of child miners, and the deadly pollution impacting the communities.
- As of October 2023, 6.9 million Congolese people have been displaced due to violence and rebel attacks, fuelled by profits possible due to Western influence. </ref> </ref>\ For example, Rwanda have also been accused of funding rebel groups such as M23 to invade Congo for cobalt extraction. Rwanda has a close relationship with the West, who are eager to access cobalt.)
- 255,000 Congolese citizens mine cobalt, and at least 40,000 of them are children. Much of the work is small-scale mining where labourers primarily use their hands, and earn less than $2 per day.
- "Mined minerals are often hazardous and exposure to some can have profound health effects. There is also a constant risk of falling into open mine shafts, being trapped, or injured by collapsing tunnels, or drowning while mining underwater. In a survey, World Vision also found that 19 per cent of miners have witnessed a child die at a mining site, 67 per cent reported frequent or persistent coughing, and several girls had genital infections after working waist-deep in acidic water. In addition, up to 2,000 people die from cobalt mining accidents in the DRC every year. Miners also face sexual assault and forced evictions." -Victoria Audu <ref> <ref>\
- The extraction of mineral resources requires cutting down trees and causes the contamination of water bodies. Fish are contaminated with high levels of cobalt.
What does 'fair share' mean? |
Anjali Appadurai explains:
How we divide fairly depends on... |
1) Historical emissions and responsibility (considering inequities created by colonialism, enslavement) 2) Right to human development (bring people out of poverty, get people educated, safe and health) 3) Differing capabilities and capacities (based on who benefited from colonialism, enslavement) |
Why do our fair share? |
What is Canada's fair share? |
How do we reduce more than 100%?
Anjali Appadurai shared that our role is to:
- Expose the pretence, duplicity and hypocrisy of policymakers who undermine fairness
- Push governments for transparency and courage on meeting climate obligations
- Show our governments that climate finance and fossil fuel phase out are important to us and we will vote accordingly
To stay connected to work on fighting for fair shares in Canada, visit:
If you have any suggested revisions or additional resources to share related to the above content, please email them to

- ↑ Dados, Nour and Raewyn Connell. 2012. “The Global South.” Context 11(1): 12-13.
- ↑ Estermann, J. (2014). Colonialidad, descolonización e interculturalidad. Polis Revista Latinoamericana, 38.
- ↑ Migration to Asia Peace. (2022, September 23). 2022 Statement for Climate Justice by the Global South.
- ↑ Riaz, A. (2021, September 29). Views from the Global South: How to decolonise the climate crisis. Euronews Green.
- ↑ Gonzalez, C. (2015). Environmental Justice, Human Rights, and the Global South. SANTA CLARA J. INT’L L. 13, pp. 151–195.
- ↑ Estermann, J. (2014). Colonialidad, descolonización e interculturalidad. Polis Revista Latinoamericana, 38.
- ↑ Migration to Asia Peace. (2022, September 23). 2022 Statement for Climate Justice by the Global South.
- ↑ Rice, J. (2009). North-south relations and the ecological debt: Asserting a counter-hegemonic discourse. Critical Sociology, 35(2), 225–252.
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