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Reparations describe a system of redress for grave injustices; a payment for harm and damages. - Rashawn Ray and Andre M. Perry

Examples of Reparations

Indigenous Peoples [1]

  • Indigenous Peoples should receive reparations through land and billions of dollars for being forcibly exiled from their lands, killed in masses, and stripped of their culture, language and way of life. Canada was ordered to pay billions to compensate First Nations children who were unnecessarily taken from their homes and put into the child welfare system. [2]
  • The land back movement is an example of a movement that demands returning a meaningful amount of land to First Nations, Inuit and Metis people, so that they can rebuild their connection to it, and to each other.
  • Check out the following 10-minute video on the land back movement and reparations for Indigenous Peoples
African Countries [3]
  • People across Africa should receive justice for the transatlantic slave trade, the largest forced migration in history, and its effects long after slavery was abolished. Millions of Africans were impacted.
  • For over 400 years, Africans were transported to many areas of the world, and profited off of for their labour, health and lives, yet no reparations have been paid.

Black People [4]

  • Black people have not received reparations for state-sanctioned racial discrimination, while slavery afforded some white families the ability to accumulate tremendous wealth at the expense of the labour, health and lives of enslaved Blacks.
  • Today, racial discrimination, intergenerational trauma and a racial wealth gap continue to exist. The case for reparations can be made on economic, social, and moral grounds.

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