Student strikes 101

From Le Hub/The Climate Justice Organizing HUB
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The text highlighted is knowledge that was shared by student/former student activists who during our learning circle on this subject.

Why do we strike?


The strike is a means of pressure against the government. This method is often part of an escalation of pressure tactics to make the government give in to demands. This escalation is part of an overall strategy to win. It also sometimes acts as a triggering event for a larger movement.


Experiential knowledge - The strike makes it possible to learn knowledge that is not necessarily taught at school. This knowledge could be used in other mobilizations.

Ex.: mobilization, direct democracy, facilitation and organization of meetings, organization of events, management of communications, ...

Raising awareness on social issues - It also allows popular education and awareness on the issues that are put forward in the context of the strike. It can even make some people want to start getting involved!

Democratic experience - It allows the community to live an experience of direct democracy and significant collective power of action.

Culture of engagement
It helps to perpetuate a committed culture within schools and to inspire new people to become socially involved.

'<span style="background-color: #d1f1ee;"We are trying to strike to create a culture of commitment, but it is important to keep in mind that the strike is not the only way to achieve this, so you have to be open when people make criticism of the strike." -Lylou

Diversity of student communities

Student mobilization makes it possible to reach a very varied population. People politicized during their studies will influence the workplaces they will integrate at the end of their school career.

Movement incubation

Protest movements can be greatly strengthened by student mobilization.

Ex.: movements of 2012 against the increase in school fees and of 2015 against austerity.

Student reality

Many students have freedom of action that many full-time workers do not.

Time to campaign

'<span style="background-color: #d1f1ee;"The strike serves to free up time for activism. The important thing for a strike to go well is to know what we are going to do with this time." -Jane