Our student association has voted for a strike. Now what?

From Le Hub/The Climate Justice Organizing HUB
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After a vote during which a strike has been voted, a common practice of student associations is to inform the student community by email as well as the strategy adopted.

Prior to this, it is common to meet with management to sign a strike protocol or to see their intentions in the event of a strike mandate.


Send an email following a strike mandate

It should include your strategy for enforcing the mandate, student rights and recourse in the event of a problem.

Your strategy

Are you going to picket? Teach the lessons by yourselves?


Right to picket

The right to picketing is mainly legislated in the context of labor law.

  • Here is a resource on this right in so-called Canada.
Picketing during student strikes

“The right to strike students is neither authorized nor denied by the courts. This did not prevent the student strikes from taking place, but always in a balance of power between the admins and the associations. React admins generally refuse to recognize the legitimacy of strikes."

  • Many institutions choose to lift classes when picketing is observed, either because it is their policy or as asecurity measure.
  • Some institutions, such as Collège Ahuntsic and Cégep de Sherbrooke wait for a picket line to be observed in order to lift classes. It can be decided not to make a picket line and waive the courses on your own by informing the administration.

Waive classes

See our wiki page 'How should we respond to an administration that does not want to respect a student strike?' for more on waiving classes.