Formatting example

From Le Hub/The Climate Justice Organizing HUB
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The summaries for each page should be bolded, size 12 sans-serif font. 

1st level header

The following is a passage from one of our other wiki pages to demonstrate the maximum # of lines each section should include:

Lots of groups have an overall orientation with their Theory of Change that allows for many different points of focus (or targets). HUB Advisor Amara Possian has adapted Marshall Ganz's writings to create this tight definition of a "campaign": "A campaign is a sequence of tactics with a clear goal, demand and target that helps achieve a particular change. Sitting down to create a campaign strategy assumes that group members are already aligned around a target or focus area... for example: shutting down fossil fuel projects in our region, Indigenous solidarity, antiracist action, fighting misogyny. Campaign strategy process should never begin with 'what should we focus on?' As opposed to group orientation, campaign strategy needs to get focused, specific about an achievable goal with a timeframe, and be grounded in reality. I.e. working with available resources and a solid power analysis of the target or system you are working to change."

Example quote and linking of source formatting

"Universal accessibility is the character of a product, process, service, information or environment which, with a view to fairness and an inclusive approach, allows anyone to carry out activities independently and to obtain equivalent results." -Ex Aequo & Groupe DÉFI Accessibilité (GDA) [1]

Example without quote, with content-inspired reference [2]

2nd level header

Further resources (referencing example - 3rd level header):

Slides from the workshop given by Ex Aequo

UK Mutual Aid Accessibility Checklist

Tools and guides - Altergo


Engler, Mark, and Paul Engler. This Is an Uprising: How Nonviolent Revolt Is Shaping the Twenty-First Century. 2016. Print.

2nd level header

Example two-column table: (3rd level header)

Care Committee Responsible for thinking about practices that promote the well-being of the group. See below for further resources and reflections on care in the context of occupation.
Food committee Responsible for ensuring food supply. This committee can collaborate with dumpster-diving groups for supplies, find volunteers to cook meals, etc.

Example three-column table: (3rd level header)

Student Associations Student Associations operate at the campus, faculty, and department level; and act as the democratic voice of students in their membership. These unions often have permanent funding which allows them to sponsor events, make donations, and sometimes offer paid roles, both as elected executives and hired staff.
  • Elected executive positions (ex. SECMV: unpaid roles, ASFA: paid roles)
  • Hired work-study program of Concordia (ex: Campaigns Researcher, CSU)
Fee-levy Groups Other campus groups can get funding by gaining the support of the student body. Like Student Associations, these groups have recurring funds. Unlike student associations, they can focus on specific topics or needs, such as campus food security, grants for community projects, etc.

2nd level header

This excerpt is an example of a single column 'table' used to break up text.

"Your appearance date is the first date on which evidence is presented.

  • A date in the format will be established (to communicate and negotiate).
  • Between court dates, it is difficult to communicate with the prosecutors. These meetings will allow for negotiation before a trial for reduced sentences with a guilty plea, a withdrawal of charges, an acquittal without trial etc.
  • If no agreement is reached, the terms of the trial will be discussed.
The prosecution must prove guilt, a reasonable doubt must be raised in the mind of the person on trial. Sometimes this means not presenting a defence.
  • The accused does not always have to testify. If the person is found guilty, there will be a sentencing trial. It follows a guilty plea or conviction (which results in a criminal record).
Legal aid for defence may be available if income is low.

  • Many lawyers refuse these mandates because of their low income. This can affect the quality of their defence because of the time spent on it.
  • A legal aid mandate can be refused. In this case, it is possible to request a review within 30 days.
  • A person can defend themselves alone but should consult a lawyer and/or get support from advocacy groups
"The trial must be held within a reasonable time." (18 to 30 months maximum). The decision may be rendered on the spot or several weeks later."

3rd level header

The following excerpt demonstrates how to highlight learning circle insight. "Lived experiences were shared by learning circle participants. They portray some consequences of not being ready for student turnover.

  • Divestment organizers were concerned about groups who won and didn’t know where to go from there
  • Groups have been struggling to navigate online organizing
  • There are ongoing concerns related to general turnover and capacity when students graduate (particularly those who have been members of a group for a while)
  • A lack of support from former members leads to more energy and time needed to restart after a high rate of turnover.
  • Anger towards the school administration leads to forgetting about turnover periods, thus the workload for the next semester is larger."

Example definitions table

Acquittal Decision of a court declaring a person is not guilty - CAIJ Quebec and Canadian Law Dictionary

Civil disobedience

“May include any action taken in contravention of a legal norm in order to expose its illegitimacy.” In other words, the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay taxes and fines, as a peaceful form of political protest. - Ligue des droits et libertes
  1. Langevin, Rocque, Chalghoumi, & Ghorayeb. Research Report for Associations in Montreal – Universal Accessibility and Contributing Designs (Version 5.3).
  2. Langevin, Rocque, Chalghoumi, Ghorayeb. Research Report for Associations in Montreal – Universal Accessibility and Contributing Designs (Version 5.3).