Global South
Global South "functions as more than a metaphor for underdevelopment. It references an entire history of colonialism, neo-imperialism, and differential economic and social change through which large inequalities in living standard, life expectancy, and access to resources are maintained." -Dados and Connell (2012) [1] .
The knowledge shared on this page comes from:
1) The collaborative 'Fair Shares' webinar by the HUB and the Climate Emergency Unit held on October 11th.
This event featured:
Anjali Appadurai (she/her): Climate justice organizer and communicator. Worked at the UN Climate convention to ensure social movements demands were heard in halls of power. Runs the Padma centre for climate justice, a project that brings together diasporic communities to build power around issues of climate and economic justice. She works as the Campaign Director at the Climate Emergency Unit.
Meena Raman (she/her): Head of Programmes of Third World Network (TWN), coordinating programming and supporting intergovernmental climate negotiations. President of Friends of the Earth (FOE) Malaysia and member of FOE International. Legal adviser to the Consumers' Association of Penang. Founded the first public interest law firm in Malaysia.
Ceecee Holz (they/them): Senior research at the Climate Equity Reference Project and Executive Director of the Climate Equity Reference Project Canada. Affiliated researcher at Stockholm Environment Institute, and teaches a course at Carlton U for their Masters' specialization in climate change. Their studies focus is on International and Canadian climate change policies, focused on the role of equity and fairness as enablers of action. They served as the executive director for Climate Action Network Canada. Has been involved with Climate Action Network International's advocacy work at UN climate change negotiations for over a decade.
2) Additional sources compiled by Bryan Giroux.
Global South justice is a climate justice issue
Anjali Appadurai explains:
- To keep global emissions below 1.5 degrees, we must cumulatively reduce about 400 Gt of carbon.
- Effort to reduce this much carbon is divided between the world's governments.
- How do we divide it fairly? Depends on:
1) Historical emissions and responsibility (considering inequities created by colonialism, enslavement)
2) Right to human development (bring people out of poverty, get people educated, safe and health)
3) Differing capabilities and capacities (based on who benefited from colonialism, enslavement)
- Sharing the burden fairly is our only change to calm the crisis. No country can protect it's own climate by reducing its own emissions alone; there is a need for cooperation.
- It's International law. Ceecee Holz explains that it's included in the UN Framework on Climate Change. For example, it's stated that developed countries must take the lead, and that common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities exist.
- Uniting in solidarity and common cause is how we win!
- Must lower emissions by 140% of 2005 levels by 2030 (#'s are higher now)
How do we reduce more than 100%?
- Domestic energy transition (-60%)
- Climate finance, technology and capacity support, loss and damage contributions to developing countries (80%). This is in addition to domestic reduction.
Understanding why Global south justice is climate justice
1) Historical emissions: Wealthy nations caused and perpetuate the climate crisis by exploiting the resources, lands and labor of the Global South |
2) Right to human development |
3) Differing capabilities and capacities: The Global North disproportionately caused the climate and debt crisis, yet, the Global South bear the greatest burden |
4) Responsibility: The Global North continues to evade it |
Meena Raman on their lived experience in Malaysia: I worked with fishing communities who were facing water pollution. Fish were dying from factories dumping industrial waste in the water, and farmers were suffering pesticide poisoning. In the 80s, we were trying to address some of these basic problems in food, water and fish. We were only looking at the environmental issues causing local impacts. But when we looked further, we saw this was connected to International trade. Our economy was connected to Global North economies. Industrialism was about mass production and consumption for the North. So it goes beyond regulation at the National level. It's about who is driving the investments. Everything is about protecting the 'big guys' (big oil, big pharma etc.) and they don't care about people in the environment. We were suffering at the hands of their investments. The Global South are commodity producers, selling at very low prices which are determined by New York and other stock exchanges. When prices go down, we go into a debt crisis, and the IMF and World Banks offer more loans to increase our debt.
- She also pointed out that marginalized communities in the Global North, such as Indigenous communities, also suffer from these systems.
Where do we go from here?
Anjali Appadurai shared that our role is to:
- Expose the pretence, duplicity and hypocrisy of policymakers who undermine fairness
- Push governments for transparency and courage on meeting climate obligations
- Show our governments that climate finance and fossil fuel phase out are important to us and we will vote accordingly
To stay connected to work on fighting for fair shares in Canada, visit:
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- ↑ Dados, Nour and Raewyn Connell. 2012. “The Global South.” Context 11(1): 12-13.
- ↑ Estermann, J. (2014). Colonialidad, descolonización e interculturalidad. Polis Revista Latinoamericana, 38.
- ↑ Migration to Asia Peace. (2022, September 23). 2022 Statement for Climate Justice by the Global South.
- ↑ Riaz, A. (2021, September 29). Views from the Global South: How to decolonise the climate crisis. Euronews Green.
- ↑ Gonzalez, C. (2015). Environmental Justice, Human Rights, and the Global South. SANTA CLARA J. INT’L L. 13, pp. 151–195.
- ↑ Estermann, J. (2014). Colonialidad, descolonización e interculturalidad. Polis Revista Latinoamericana, 38.
- ↑ Migration to Asia Peace. (2022, September 23). 2022 Statement for Climate Justice by the Global South.
- ↑ Rice, J. (2009). North-south relations and the ecological debt: Asserting a counter-hegemonic discourse. Critical Sociology, 35(2), 225–252.