Imperialism is a state policy, practice or advocacy for the extension of power and domination, especially through the direct acquisition of territories (by colonialism in particular) or by obtaining political and economic control of other regions. It always involves the use of power, whether military, economic or in a more subtle form. [1] Stephanie Jeremie, La Forge
Some refer to colonial imperialism and informal imperialism . As for colonial imperialism, it is thus defined since colonialism is attributed to imperial powers. These have used the dispossession mechanism of colonialism to enrich themselves. Colonial invasion is therefore part of imperial expansion and both are part of the same global domination. Informal imperialism is characterized by the power of influence of one entity over another. [2]
Economic imperialism concerns the use of one's advantageous economic situation in order to install a relationship of domination.
It translates to:
- Economic sanctions, for example an embargo.
- Aid (or a loan) conditional on the implementation of measures favorable to the dominant, unfavorable to the inferior.
An imperial power justifies its actions and policies with rhetoric that can win popular support through national media coverage. [3] Roger van Zwanenberg establishes the components of modern imperialism [4] :
- Capitalist accumulation or globalization
- The dominance of finance
- trade and investment
- technology and science
- military power
- The ideological control